
Offshore It Staffing: An Economic Business Approach


Working with a remote team from home isn’t just a fad of the present credits to the recently struck pandemic, but the widespread crisis has given a vision to the way of the future. No matter how big an organisation is, it requires talented and skilled employees at an affordable rate. There are various methods by which you might locate the appropriate staff for your organisation. You may print adverts, call for recommendations, employ professionals and job agencies. However, such a procedure of recruiting, choosing, and interviewing personnel might prove to be quite costly and time-consuming. Once hired, you will also have to spend big money and time training and workforce supervising them.

Now that being said, the question arises, Is there an easy way out? Well, yes! Offshore staffing is the answer to all your worries of rising bill piles. There are two approaches to employing remote labour. You may either do it individually or seek an offshore IT staffing agency.

What exactly is offshore staffing?

With the brief introduction you just got, it is obvious that you might confuse offshoring with outsourcing. Therefore it is crucial to set the two things apart before we spin serious confusion. Offshoring is the relocation of a business process from one country to another. At the same time, Outsourcing refers to shifting specific tasks out to an extrinsic firm or group.

Offshore IT staffing provides staffing solutions offshore for many sorts of organisations, from small-to-medium firms to giants. Now you may do it yourself or engage a professional staffing business. However, Latter is trouble-free with amazing effects.

Pros of Offshore Staffing

1. Cost-Effectiveness:

The most prevalent reason firms use offshore employment is to save money. The cost of recruiting a person with a specific set of talents varies worldwide based on the host country’s economy, international business legislation, workforce availability, and various other factors. Mostly, offshore places prefer to provide highly skilled personnel at a reduced cost. For example, an American corporation is likely to spend USD 25 per hour to acquire a local entry-level employee. On the other hand, it may employ the same skill set for a marginal cost of USD 4 per hour in the Philippines. Therefore, offshore employment leads to high operational and labour expenditures reduction.

2. Free up assets and time:

Offshore hiring may aid you in freeing up your internal resources and spending your precious time in significant development areas of the company. For instance, if you employ an offshore IT staffing firm in the Bahamas, you would obtain services like recruiting, training, management, payroll, finance, tech assistance, and so on. In other words, they will be responsible for most human resource tasks in their native nation. Hence, you will obtain more time to spend your resources and efforts on the main elements of your organisation rather than becoming involved with recruiting, managing, and housing your staff. This contributes to increasing the performance of your in-house operations.

3. Gain connection with skilled professionals:

It is pretty common not to find a great candidate as per your requirement in your locale. But That should not stop you from developing your dream team. You may quickly acquire access to highly skilled people who live in foreign countries through offshore staffing. These employees will operate as a cost-effective expansion to your staff and deliver services that will expand the firm further.

4. Maintain ownership

Unlike outsourcing, offshore recruiting allows you to keep full authority over your workforce. Thanks to technology improvements, you can successfully manage and interact with your remote team employees despite the distance involved. You will still be accountable for providing tasks to the remote employees and collecting frequent feedback.

5. 24/7 Operation:

While your workers in the home nation sleep, staff members in other countries work. A substantial number of organisations in the US employ offshore labour to harness this specific advantage. They recruit workers in nations including the Philippines, India, China, and Australia that have a time gap of 12 hours.

6. Business Scaling-out opportunity:

Since outsourcing assists in freeing up internal resources such as infrastructure, you may employ the liberated assets for developing your business. Offshore employment also decreases the possibility of losing prospective customers due to severe workload since the task is split among several across time zones. While offshore employment aids firm development, the contrary is also true. When your firm expands, you will need access to additional people to regulate the demand and manage the piling job.

7. Earn larger profits:

Offshore employment cuts expenses, unleashes strategic resources and assists organisations in building a worldwide footprint. It also assists them in having access to a highly competent pool of employees and working for longer periods. Companies get great returns due to reduced labour costs, and the cost of technology is lower in offshore nations. All these elements result in a cheap cost of manufacturing, increased productivity, and hence, higher profitability.

Cons of Offshore Staffing

1. Linguistic Barriers:

Differences in geography widen the gap concerning languages, cultural beliefs, traditions, morals, and work ethics of the individuals, and thus it might lead to communication obstacles. Most organisations that dabble in offshore recruitment adopt English as the primary language for communication. They hired remote employees who may not have the same degree of grasp over the native language as them. And compromising on skillset over soft skills is a downhill deal and cannot be neglected. A different accent, varied vocabulary, misinterpretations,and other linguistic issues might create problems inefficient communication.

2. Cultural difference:

The culture of the Western nations is notably different from the Eastern ones. When individuals from various cultures join forces to work things out, there are assured chances of misunderstanding and confusion. The activities that are acceptable in one nation may not be desirable in another. For example, a male employee shaking hands with co-workers from the opposite gender is not taboo in America, but it is not the same for other Arab nations. Similarly, an American employer may straightforwardly communicate with his staff. But his employees in the Philippines may feel uncomfortable as it is not something very common in their native lands since they tend to be more modest. Therefore, cultural differences might lead to misconceptions, which can harm your company.

3. Time zone difference:

This is another significant obstacle in smooth management and interacting with remote personnel. This can be a major issue by solely being the reason for communication gaps which can contribute to delayed decision making. In jobs with targets and time-sensitive, sluggish communication might generate extra complications.

4. Ethical issues:

For quite a long time, off-shoring corporations have confronted ethical difficulties. They are frequently criticised for causing unemployment in their home nations or exploiting cheap workers elsewhere. When businesses opt to engage remote personnel to carry out part of their existing processes, it results in large layoffs and causes employment uncertainty among the present workforce. Such events might harm the brand image of the company.

5. Employment laws and tax regulations:

Various nations have different employment and tax regulations. Off-shoring enterprises need to understand the same and function within them to prevent legal difficulties later. Despite the hurdles inherent in offshore jobs, it is still a popular business approach to ensure sustainable development for your firm. At the same time, take care of the moral dilemmas and plan well to manage the remote workforce successfully and efficiently.


Now you must be aware that hiring an Offshore recruiting company might be the best decision for your firm. And if you’re looking for a reliable recruiting offshore partner, click here to know more.

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