
Live the Rest of Your Life in Australia with the Help of Hansen Migration


Australia has a vast and diverse culture, which many different nationalities love. Apart from that, the way of living is top-notch, and the locals are funny and extremely friendly. So if you’re planning to live here, then you’ll need the help of family and partner visa specialists. Thankfully, Hansen Migration can help you with that. Even better if you have an Australian partner who wants to sponsor you to get a partner visa or a prospective marriage visa.

Hansen Migration offers a 99.5% success rate, which means you have a big chance of getting your visa approved. Furthermore, they offer 5-star support, so they can provide you with the guidance you need with your application. Finally, they make sure to provide you with high-quality services that are reasonably priced. You no longer have to worry about your visa application because Hansen Migration is here to help you. Let’s check the top visas they can help you with.

Partner Visa

Partner visas are ideal for those who are married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen or with a permanent resident or New Zealand citizen. With this kind of visa, you are allowed in Australia permanently. Currently, there are two types of partner visas. The first one is an Onshore Partner Visa, and the second one is an Offshore Partner Visa. If you choose Onshore, you should be in Australia at the time of the application and grant. For Offshore, the applicant must be outside of Australia at the time of the application and grant.

Parent Visa

If you’re an Australian, permanent resident of Australia or an eligible New Zealand citizen, then your parents may be eligible for the parent visa. It allows your parents to live in Australia permanent. However, it will depend on the type of visa your parents apply for. In a parent visa, contributory parent visa, or contributory parent visa – temporary, the applicant can be inside or outside Australia during the application. But they have to be outside of Australia at the time of grant. For an aged parent visa, contributory aged parent visa, or contributory aged parent visa – temporary, the applicant must be in Australia at the time of application and grant.

Prospective Marriage Visa

A prospective marriage visa allows the applicant to enter Australia, marry their partners, and apply for an onshore partner visa within nine months of when the prospective marriage visa was granted. It’s available to fiances, both opposite and same-sex, of Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia, and eligible New Zealand citizens. Furthermore, the applicant must be outside of Australia at the time of the application and grant. Some requirements are sponsorship, identity, health assessment, character test, you and your partner must have met in person, genuine intention to marry, intention to live as spouses, and no impediment to the marriage.

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