
Wooden toys: why (and how) to choose them?


Wooden toys for children : a playful passion suitable for all ages. The experts of the most suitable pastimes for the little ones of the house have no doubts who, also thanks to the approach of Christmas , advise parents to orient themselves towards these timeless didactic games capable, at the same time, to develop the imagination and teach respect. of the environment. But that’s not all: here are all the advantages of giving wooden toys for children as a gift wooden building blocks.

Wooden toys for children: an incentive to grow

First of all, wooden toys for children , unlike their plastic counterparts, do not have too precise methods of use and since they cannot count on ultra-technological accessories (such as sounds and lights) they urge, and “force” , the little ones to use more imagination to use them. The most immediate result is that the children’s imagination is immediately strengthened as well as their ability to range between different pastimes without, however, having to change the game.

The second advantage of wooden toys , then, is their ability to adapt to the tastes of babies who, finding themselves in front of small 100% green objects, can use them to stimulate touch and smell a little more. Wood, in fact, is a living material and therefore “warmer” than plastic as well as – it is clear – with a much more characteristic scent that will immediately enter the minds of very young players. Durable and resistant , then, these toys are extremely educational and “naturally” teach respect for the environment.

Wooden children’s games: which ones to choose?

And here we are at the crucial question, given the advantages of wooden games for children, which ones should be chosen and packaged for an eco-friendly and at the same time educational gift? Obviously the right answer depends on the age : for the very young (0-12 months) the green light to the characters , for example the farm animals, which can be hung on the cradle or even used (if medium-sized and built with a single piece wooden)  as an alternative to the pacifier.

The materials of ecological games

As we have already seen, the materials of ecological games must be natural or recycled, and remain sustainable throughout their life cycle.

The natural material most used in toys is certainly wood. To be truly ecological, however, the wood used must come from authentically sustainable sources and from trees that grow faster: for this reason, we at Stylla use wood from certified  PEFC sources (Program for the mutual recognition of forest certification schemes) and fast growing trees such as beech or birch.

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