
How makeup practices are affecting your skin?


Makeup industry is experiencing an all-time boom. People from all walks of life are investing in the various products that have been launched in the recent times. The options are aplenty too; there are so many subspecialities of the makeup products that cater to any and every problem that the person might have.

However, the good comes with the bad. While for so many people makeup is a staple; it helps them look good, feel good and gives them confidence. But one also has to consider the impact of makeup more holistically.

Essentially, makeup is made of chemicals, the quality of which is contingent on the brand being used. This does not mean that an expensive brand is always the best; there is more to the science of production than that.

Naturally, when and if makeup is made from substandard products, it will lead to issues on the skin, which will have you running for the top skin specialist in Karachi. Other issues posed by makeup include. But that’s not all;

Oily makeup and clogged pores

Clogged pores are everyone’s unanimous nightmare and can be cause due to makeup products, especially the oil-based ones..

While other factors may also contribute towards the pores getting choked, makeup is just as big a culprit as any. Moreover, those people who do not properly wash their makeup off of their face before going to bed make the problem much worse.

With clogged pores become breakouts, that can also get infected if bad zit-care practices are followed.

Makeup induced acne

Use of makeup can also lead to acne, which is referred to as acne cosmetica. In this condition, tiny bumps appear on the face, specifically the cheek, chin and the forehead. White heads become a nuisance too. Pimples also are a frequent guest as well in this condition. In certain people, due to bad lips-makeup, acne cosmetica also appears in the periphery of the lips.

This type of acne is common amongst those people who diligently use oil and cream-based makeup, rather than the relatively innocuous powders.

Moreover, those people who already have acne can also experience flareups due to makeup as well. Thick oil-based makeup and not washing it off well can cause new acne episodes or lead to the aggravation of an existing acne nightmare.

Makeup contains harmful substances

Many makeup products are composed of harmful substances that not only affect the skin, but our general health as well. These substances get absorbed into the body, and buildup over the years and thus cause life-threatening conditions and diseases.

For example, lead is a renowned harmful substances that causes damage to the nervous system, but it an important ingredient of certain makeup products like lipsticks, kohl liner etc. Likewise, is the case with paraben; it is found in so many makeup products despite being a carcinogen.

Makeup harbors bacteria

Bacteria is always bad for the skin, and by extension, any product harboring will also be problematic. These pathogens can cause multiple skin issues like acne that become a perpetual headache.

Eye makeup is one of the most dangerous sources of infections, as the skin around the eyes is thinner, and the pathogens can easily gain entry into the body via the eyelids., Kohl pencil, dirty brushes, mascara wands are all potential sources of harmful agents. In fact,mascare wands contain Pseudomonas Aeruginosa,  a bacterium that causes corneal infection and eye inflammation.

The harmful effects of bacteria are even more pronounced in cases where makeup products are shared. This causes bacteria from one person to be passed to another person.

Slows the shedding of the skin cells

The natural cycle of skin shedding is an important mechanism that makeup can potentially interfere with. It slows down this process which leads to dead skin buildup. This not only makes the complexion dull, but also contributes towards clogged pores as well.

Canlead to dermatitis

Makeup can cause irritant contact dermatitis in some people. This condition causes itching, appearance of rash and even blisters. People with sensitive skin are more vulnerable to developing contact dermatitis. Depending on the potency of the ingredient in the makeup products causing this condition, the symptoms may vary from mild to severe. Likewise, they may appear over months or days.

Another type of skin condition is the allergic contact dermatitis. This condition develops when the skin comes in contact with an allergen. The symptoms include swelling, rash, blister formation which manifests within 12-48 hours after contact has been established and may perpetuate if people continue to use the product out of ignorance.

Some people might have to then visit the top skin specialist in Lahore for treatment of this skin condition. Hence, when using makeup, hygiene and quality of product is of utmost significance as they help decreasing the issues associated with makeup.

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